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Using Headings to Create More Navigable Content

Why use Microsoft Word’s built-in heading styles?

Creating more accessible documents are one of many reasons to use headings in a Word document. This blog post outlines a dozen different ways headings can help make documents easier to author and read.

Headings and Subheadings – PSU Accessibility 

This page from Penn State outlines the key differences in form and function between semantic and formatted headings and the implications that each have for the accessibility and usability of digital content.  

Advantages of Headings in Learning Materials

Insert a Table of Contents - Microsoft Support

An advantage of adding a navigable structure using headings styles is that Word can auto-generate a table of contents from headings. This Microsoft Support page outlines the steps to insert a table of contents into a Word document. 

Headings - Yale Usability & Web Accessibility

This page provides an overview of the advantages of headings for users with a variety of access profiles, including those with visual impairments and cognitive disabilities.